Positive Response Information

Member Utility Response LogIn...click here

Ticket Search Only...click here

Positive Response -- Response Code List...click here

In accordance with the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act Section 65-31-108 (b), all member utilities are required to notify Tennessee One Call System that the operator (the member utility) has marked the approximate location of its underground facilities as required by this section or that the operator has no underground facilities in the proposed area of excavation. 

Effective Jan. 1, 2008, all members will be mandated to Positively Respond to the Positive Response System. 

For member utilities that want to start using the system in the manual, web-entry mode, please contact us at the center for your user logins and password. 

Anyone may obtain completion information concerning their locates by going online, (click here ), to view the response to tickets. As the member utilities respond to tickets using the Positive Response System, the status of the tickets will automatically update. If you are just using the Positive Response System to search the status of a ticket(s), no login ID or password is required. 
For utilities that receive a high volume of tickets and use automated methods of receiving and ticket management, your best bet will be an automated upload to the positive response servers. A document can be sent to you outlining the format that the responses need to follow for correct entry into the positive response system. Please contact the center if you would like a copy of the format document emailed to you.

If anyone has any questions, please contact:

Craig, Jason or Kathy can also provide Training, Login and password information.